Stats in Fresh Cards

Fresh Cards has some super useful stats like number of recent reviews, upcoming overdue estimates, as well an overall card review graph so that you can see how many cards you’ve reviewed over the lifetime of your deck (not pictured).

That’s cool, but we can do better.

If you’re a developer, you may be familiar with the heat maps on It essentially lets others know how active you are in daily open source coding.

My incredibly sparse github activity heat map

Well, Anki users have heat maps too and I’ve noticed that they have been sharing their heat maps with each other. I think this is really cool. It’s a sort of social aspect to that app. You want to show off how much you’ve studied the last few months or years.

This week I realized I’d love that feature in Fresh Cards too, so I’m implementing it! Here’s some very early prototype code that draws a heat map with some random data. Get excited because Fresh Cards will have heat maps! I can’t wait to see people share their study progress using this feature.

Heat maps prototype