Simone app for iPad and iPhone

Remember this toy?

If you do, you’re old.

“I want you, Simon”

I decided to write my own version of this toy for the iPad and iPhone. It was pretty easy to make. If you’ve read this blog before, you know that I’ve written my own synth music player. I just re-used that code, wrote up a simple game state machine, hooked up some buttons, tightened the graphics a bit, and voilĂ  a Simon clone!

Here are a couple of screen shots for the iPad and iPhone:

Photo May 29, 23 11 37


Photo May 29, 11 18 39 PM

And of course, here’s a video of it in action.

I have no plans of releasing this. It was done just for a laugh. If you are curious about writing something like this, leave a comment below and I might write a post on it.

I Made a Synth Keyboard

Just for fun, I made my own synthesizer keyboard app for the iPad and iPhone. It’s all homebrew stuff. I created my own oscillator and ADSR envelope routines and just rely on the OS for audio sample callbacks. It can play back any of the following waves: sine, square, triangle, sawtooth, pulse, and noise. If you’re familiar with old-school game and computer systems, like the NES and C64, you’ll recognize some of these sounds.

I’ve previously demoed the synth music player, which uses tracked files for note playback. This is the first time I’ve hooked up the synth code to a UI system so that you can play music directly.

This keyboard runs on iPhone and iPad. Here are a couple of screenshots.


Photo Apr 23, 11 07 17 PM

Photo Apr 23, 23 06 09

And here’s a demo of me playing with the app on the iPad: