Windows Phone app downloads, one month later

lil todo has been in the app store for about one month now. It hit the marketplace on April 9th and I now have download statistics up to May 8th. And the total number of downloads in the first month is… Drum roll please…


Yes, 342 downloads in one month for a free app with no real advertising apart from this blog and a twitter account. Not bad, not great, but decent, I suppose.

There was a large number of downloads in the first week, about 150 and since then it’s leveled off. I’m averaging about 7-8 downloads a day now.

The top three regions for downloads are 1. the US with 198, 2. Germany with 44, and 3. the UK with 33. The next after that is Australia with 12 and Singapore with 11. I wonder if this is a reflection of the Windows Phone user base around the world.


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